January 31, 2016

2016 Temperature Blanket

I'm becoming more active on Instagram lately, and I've noticed several crocheters on Instagram making temperature blankets. So after doing some investigating, I decided that it was a cool idea, and I started one, too. I started earlier this month, so I had to play catch up. It took me forever to figure out how I wanted to do the temperatures and colors. Also, I took forever trying to decide what stitch/pattern to use for the blanket. I considered granny stripes, the moss stitch/linen stitch, and hexagons. I decided that I was going to make hexagons with the center color representing the low temperature for the day and the outside color representing the high of the day. I made a few hexagons, but then I started a c2c (corner to corner) crochet project, and I fell in love with c2c. Therefore, I scrapped the hexagons and started a c2c temperature blanket. For this project, I am using Caron Simply Soft, which is my favorite brand of yarn. They have so many bright and gorgeous colors.

I've enjoyed using my new yarn bowl. The dark yarn on the left represents the two days in January when it was 36 degrees. The temperatures for January and February have been in the 40s and 50s.

My skein of Robins Egg ended when I was almost done with this row, and I didn't have another skein! (Shame on me!) Luckily, I had a project that I scrapped that had some Robins Egg yarn, so I just unraveled some, attached it, and finished my row. I was able to find a skein at a local store. But they only had one. I'll check back later for more.

I was so glad to add a row of green (Pistachio). The temperature was 63 degrees that day! Anyhoo, I'm all caught up with my Temperature Afghan. Yay!


  1. What came of your C2C temp afghan? I'm starting on for 2017.

  2. I'm working on it right now! 😊 I'll post an update soon, I got behind by several months when I started preparing for a craft fair.

  3. I would love to see your finished c2c! I want to start one for 2017 and need to know how big it gets!

    1. I haven't finished it yet, but it's huge already. I'm currently working on August. I took a break to work on items for a craft fair, so I got really behind, but I will be posting an update soon.

  4. I'm doing it a little different than others. I figured out it takes a certain amount of squares to do a full size blanket C2C. I divided that number by 365 and that final number is how many squares a day I am doing. So I end up with colors of one day in the same row as colors of the next day.

    1. That's a great idea!!! At the time, I had just discovered c2c, and I thought about splitting it into two blankets, but I decided not to, but now I wish I had. But when I'm done, I'll have a nice big blanket to put on my bed and keep me extra warm at night. It's been really cold here in WA! :-)

  5. Erica interested in how you figured out the amount of blocks. I want to do c2c double size temperature blanket for 2017.

  6. Just take the length times width that's how many squares total.

  7. I decided to do a c2c with a twist. I'm doing rows of single crochet and starting in the corner. It's going to be around 8' by 8' when finished.

  8. Anonymous3/28/2019

    I'm new to this.
    Do you take the average temp of the day?
    I love the colors you have choose.

  9. Anonymous3/28/2019

    I'm new to this.
    How do you figure out what temp you use? The average on that day?
    I love the colors you have chosen.

    1. Thanks! I used the high temperature for the day.
