Since I enjoy making Crochet Buttered Toast Scarves, I decided to make another bread scarf. Instead of the buttery toast, I crocheted a scarf with peanut butter and jelly! Yum! Actually... I am not a fan of PB&J. I prefect my sandwiches with peanut butter only. Weird? I don't totally hate jelly, though. I will eat it on toast or biscuits sometimes.... just never with my peanut butter sandwich! Anyhoo... I made this scarf by following the same pattern for the toast scarf in Twinkie Chan's book Twinkie Chan's Goodies for Fashion Foodies: 20 Yummy Treats to Wear
, but instead of making the pats of butter, I made splats of peanut butter and jelly.
Peanut Butter
See... These scarves are similar, and both are so much fun!
Now you can wear your favorite sandwich! (This scarf is in my Etsy shop!)
Such a fun idea! At first, I saw the scarf, and I thought it just looked pretty - kind of like stars in a square, and then when I actually came here, I saw the toast and it really made me smile! Pinned.
Thanks! The purple yarn is really pretty, but it's hard to capture on a photo.